Be inspired

Today is throwback Thursday, i am going all the way back to bring out myself. Yes! I am not throwing back to some years, i am throwing back to me as a little girl because really that is where the journey started. We all started from somewhere, there is always that story, that reminds you of the good, the bad and the ugly. Looking at my eyes in this picture I can see that those eyes are ready to look beyond my environment and everything in between. 😁 My mum said when I was born I actually had no hair just some little strands unlike my other siblings with lots of hair, she said I was the smallest of all her kids .some people still call me by names they gave me as a child who was very tiny, to make matters worse i didn’t win any gift as a baby. Back in those days cute babies won lots of gifts, I rather cry all day long so it made it difficult for family friends and neighbours to really play with me. Wow, didn’t sound much interesting My mum had to go back to school after having all her kids, so you know what that means we were left with my dad and a very interesting Aunty to look after me and my siblings. She would call us after my dad left for work and insulted us so badly , she gave everyone of us terrible nicknames. That was nothing compared to what she told me about being pick up from the dumps. As a child that was really hard on me, she kept telling me i wasn’t beautiful because of where i was coming from she reminder me of the gifts I never won as a baby and why I was bald. Okay talk about losing your confidence as a little girl . It was even harder because I couldn’t tell my dad, she bullied us so bad especially with bad words. I was resuced by my grandma who herd about the situation in one of her visits and made sure there was an end to the madness of me being pick up from the dumps. The story changed for them but some part of me always wondered why I was wasn’t as beautiful and intelligent as my other siblings. I forced myself to take part in every activity in school, i had lots of imaginery friends, in my imaginery world i was a beautiful princess.i know every girl dreams of being a princess, mine was different, I had big restaurant, i was a judge who decided on cases and the most interesting part was i spoke to people and they listened. But in reality i was just little Mary very small and wasn’t really beautiful. But I learnt from a very young age to create my own happiness, when I was hurt i asked my younger brothers to sit in my fake restaurant to eat. They always wanted their own games, and have their own fun ,but I would begged them until they agreed to be my customers. This always made me very happy. Years pasted i lost my confidence again in life, situations will always come and frustrate your efforts to be want you really want. Nobody was born with great confidence , experience takes you to that place. When we were younger we could dream without fears or self doubt, but now it is so difficult to be free from within. We create our own storms with overthinking , when you overthink you create a problem that was not there in the first place. That voice that says you are less than perfect, you cannot do it , this is not for you; has always been there, do not let it bring you down now. We are all designed in life for a purpose, I forgot I could speak to people even as a child, I forgot I had lots of books were I wrote down stuff some even got me in trouble back then. What has held me back from pursuing my dreams of speaking and writing was the fear of failures, I have failed too many times so I just wanted to be in that comfort zone, my comfort zone was my catering and baking. Trust me I was never satisfied completely, i limited myself every time I thought about coming out to speak. I came out of my fears without following all those rules that limits me. You are your own limit, you need to keep dreaming until you bring it to reality. Do not be limited by what has happened to you, I do not know what is holding you back, maybe a failed marriage, your environment, your friends, your community , or fear itself. You know it is something we all face at least to a certain degree. Break free from your old belief. I tell myself i am unstoppable, sometimes you do not need to think of the terms, just do it, Yes! I still have small fears I won’t deny that but it does not stop me because I know how to beat them. Looking back now , i appreciate every stage of my life, yesterday a lady called me and said her life is not what she dreamt it to be because her step mother always told her she was worth nothing. We hear these kind of words from our loved ones and it does hurt, even our parents can hurt just as much. I was inspired to write this, it is a reminder that we have come from worse situations. Do not limit yourself.”Have the attitude of do everything it takes” the problem is we always think we have time , you do not, Start now tomorrow is not a promise. °•○~°•~°○°Eghonghon

Accepting change

FOCUS WEDNESDAY Is attitude everything to you? Well i know you have heard these words so many times, attitude is all you need to be successful. To me having the right attitude brings success to you, “The Right Attitude” today my focus is on change, change is inevitable, change is what develops, builds and motivates you. #3 ACCEPTING CHANGE——– Change is a process, before you start the practice of charge you need to see change as an opportunity for self-motivation, and start actually from where you are. Be very open to change, it is very important to embrace change it is very welcoming, you are developing your character and putting your foot forward saying no matter what it is i am ready to change from what is holding me back. You accepting change is you taking responsibility for your choices and the consequences, there is something beautiful about change, it helps you recognise your strength and your weaknesses. Honestly to be successful in life is having the right attitude to know what you need and what you want. Listen to me! Life does not come with any manual, life happens to us. We need to develop the habit of changing from one stage to the other, put your life in action that is the way it will work. Tell yourself the truth about your situation and get real with yourself, there is no shame in accepting change, but there is a big shame if you can not acknowledge what is not working in your life. ••°°°°•○●○Eghonghon